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Davanti Tyres

How does Davanti test tyres to their extremes?

Davanti is known for leading the way, especially within its research and development. This includes pushing its winter range in arctic extremes to ensure all products meet the brand’s rigorous...

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Landsail Tyres

Potholes damage 1 in 4 tyres, so what should you look out for on your tyres?

In 2025, councils across the UK will receive £1.6 billion in government funding to repair roads and fill potholes. However, this funding isn’t going to solve the problem of Britain’s...

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Davanti Tyres

What you may not know about your tyres

Approximately 50 million new tyres are supplied in the UK every year for use on cars, vans, trucks and buses and are something most of us rely on every day...

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Landsail Tyres

A third of UK tyres are worn past the legal limit

With winter upon us, car and tyre checks are more important than ever to ensure a safe and comfortable drive. During winter time comes unpredictable weather and trickier driving conditions,...

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Landsail Tyres

Tyre Teacher | Tips for driving in the snow

However, if driving is unavoidable, please remember that grip and vision are everything in such conditions, so keep a close eye on your car’s tyres; condition and inflation settings should...

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Davanti Tyres

What does 3PMSF and M+S mean on my tyres?

As the colder months draw nearer, it’s important to consider changing to winter or all-season tyres for better control in cold temperatures. If you’re unsure if your tyres are suitable...

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Davanti Tyres

Davanti Tyres’ guide to driving in the dark

If you live in the UK, during the winter, days can feel long, dark and gloomy. With the shortest day of the year only seeing around 7 full hours of...

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Landsail Tyres

Fuzz explains the importance of switching to winter tyres

With winter well and truly here, it’s important to think about the tyres on your vehicle. Landsail brand ambassador and automotive enthusiast, Fuzz Townshend, explains: “As temperatures begin to drop...

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